What do we have planned?
We are very excited to announce that we are in the process of organising a festival for all that will be happening this August. At the moment there are events planned for children, adults and families. Our application for funding is currently being processed so we are not-so-patiently waiting to hear if we will be receiving funds and, if we do, how much we are awarded.
Hopefully we will have more news soon, we look forward to updating you with the details of our events!
The Committee
Chairperson: Denise Crean
Vice Chairperson: Liz Bryan
Secretary: Catherine O'Donoghue
Treasurer: Jonathan Tyner
PRO: Sandra Crean
Members: Ger Fitzgerald, Declan Crowley, Hillary O' Farrell, Maureen Crean, Kate Hallissey
If anyone would like to contact the committee with questions or suggestions, please get in touch on bailiunabanndan@gmail.com